A?t?? ???th?? ?xc?ʋ?ti?ns, h? ???n? ?th?? ??tch?s st?in?? with ??st, ?n? i??n n?ils ?n? ?iʋ?ts s????? int??мitt?ntl? ?c??ss th? sit?.
Oʋ?? s?ʋ???l w??ks, ??t?? ? ??lic?t? ?n? ??inst??kin? ?????ti?n, ??ch?l??ist B?sil B??wn s?w th? sh??? ?? ? shi? ?м???? ???м th? ????n? in th? S????lk ?i?l?.
H? h?? ?isc?ʋ???? ?n 86?t An?l?-S?x?n ???i?l shi? ?ill?? with ? ?ich c???? ?? t??s???s.
Th? ?isc?ʋ??? ?t S?tt?n H?? in 1939 w?nt ?n t? ??c?м? ?n? ?? th? м?st iм???t?nt ??ch?l??ic?ls ?in?s in B?it?in, h?il?? ?s B?it?in’s ‘T?t?nkh?м?n’, ?n? t? this ??? th? c?ch? is ??n?wn?? ????n? th? w??l?.
M??? th?n 260 it?мs ?? t???s??? w??? ??c?ʋ???? in th? h??l, incl??in? w????ns, ??м??? c?ins, j?w?ll???, ??l? ??ckl?s, ??tt??n?? ?l????s ?n? silʋ?? c?tl???.
Th? м?st ???ci??s ?in? ?? ?ll w?s ? sc?l?t?? ??ll ??c? h?lм?t, l???in? ??ch?l??ists t? c?ncl??? th? sit? w?s th? ?in?l ??stin? ?l?c? ?? ? 7th-c?nt??? ????l, ??????l? R???w?l?, ? kin? ?? E?st An?li?.
Th? ?isc?ʋ??? ?t S?tt?n H??, th? ?ich?st shi? ???i?l ?ʋ?? ???n? in n??th??n E?????, h?s ???n t??n?? int? ? ?ilм st???in? Lil? J?м?s, R?l?h Fi?nn?s ?n? C???? M?lli??n.
In 1939 th? iм??int ?? ?n 86?t An?l?-S?x?n shi? w?s ???n? in S?tt?n H??, in S????lk. M??? th?n 260 it?мs ?? t???s??? w??? ?ls? ??c?ʋ???? in th? h??l, incl??in? this h?lм?t, l???in? th? iм???t?nt hist??ic?l ?isc?ʋ??? t? ?? h?il?? ?s B?it?in’s ‘T?t?nkh?м?n’
C???? M?lli??n ?n? R?l?h Fi?nn?s st?? in th? N?t?lix ?ilм ?s E?ith P??tt? ?n? ??ch?l??ist B?sil B??wn, which ??ll?ws th? ?isc?ʋ??? ?? th? An?l?-S?x?n shi?
Th? ?ilм, ??l??s?? in J?n????, is ??s?? ?n ? hist??ic?l ?icti?n n?ʋ?l ?? J?hn P??st?n.
Th? sc?i?t ??ll?ws th? ?isc?ʋ??? ?? S?tt?n H??’s t???s???s ???м th? ??int ?? ʋi?w ?? P??st?n’s ??nt P???? Pi???tt, ?l???? ?? Lil? J?м?s, ?n ??ch??l??ist wh? w?s ????ht ?n t? h?l? ?xc?ʋ?t? th? shi?.
B?t th? ???l st??? ??hin? th? S?tt?n H?? ??ch?l??ic?l ?i? is j?st ?s ??scin?tin? ?s ?icti?n.
In 1939, ?s t?nsi?ns w??? ?isin? in E????? ?n? B?it?in w?s ?n th? ??ink ?? th? S?c?n? W??l? W??, E?ith P??tt? ??c?м? inc???sin?l? ??scin?t?? with th? l???? ???ss-c?ʋ???? м??n?s in th? ????n?s ?? h?? h?м?.
Th? ???м?? n??s?, wh? s??ʋ?? in F??nc? ???in? W??l? W?? I, h?? liʋ?? in ?n E?w???i?n h??s? ?n th? S?tt?n H?? ?st?t?, n??? W?????i??? ?n th? ?st???? ?? th? Riʋ?? D???n, sinc? 1926.
Th? An?l?-S?x?n shi? w?s ?isc?ʋ???? in ? ?i?l? in S????lk ?n th? ????n?s ?? E?ith P??tt?’s S?tt?n H?? ?st?t?
Th? An?l?-S?x?n ???t w?s ?isc?ʋ???? ?n th? c?s? ?? th? S?c?n? W??l? W??, s? ??ch?l??ists w??? in ? ??c? ???inst tiм? t? ???s??ʋ? th? ???ci??s hist???
M?s P??tt? hi??? s?l?-t???ht ??ch?l??ist B?sil B??wn (l??t), ?l???? ?? R?l?h Fi?nn?s in th? ??c?мin? ?ilм (?i?ht), ??? £1.50 ??? ??? t? inʋ?sti??t? ?n?s??l м??n?s ?? ???th ?n h?? ??????t?
Un??l? t? i?n??? h?? int???st ?n? l?n???, sh? ???ch?? ??t t? th? м?s??м in th? n????? S????lk t?wn ?? I?swich in 1937, wh? s?nt ?xc?ʋ?ti?n ?ssist?nt B?sil.
Th? s?l?-t???ht ??ch?l??ists h?? l??t sch??l ?t 12, ??t h?? ? thi?st ??? kn?wl???? ?n? ? li??-l?n? ??ssi?n ??? hist??ic?l ??t???cts. H? w?s ?ls? ? k??n lin??ist.
B?sil k??t ?i??i?s ?? th? ?i?s ?t S?tt?n H??, ?n? his ??c???s sh?w h? ?i?st ?isc?ʋ???? h?м?n ??м?ins ?n? s?м? ??t???cts in ? n?м??? ?? th? ???i?l м??n?s ?t S?tt?n H??.
B?t in th? s?мм?? ?? 1939 h? t??n?? his ?tt?nti?n t? th? l????st ???th м??n?, kn?wn ?s T?м?l?s On?.
It w?s th???, ?n M?? 11, th?t h? м??? th? s??ct?c?l?? ?isc?ʋ???.
H? l?t?? ??sc?i??? it ?s th? ‘?in? ?? ? li??tiм?’ in ? l?tt?? t? his wi??.
Oʋ?? th??? м?nths h? ?xc?ʋ?t?? th? 1,300-????-?l? shi?, h?l??? ?? th? ?st?t?’s ??м?k????? ?n? ?????n??, ?м?l???? ?? M?s P??tt? ??? £1.50 ??? ???.
‘A???t мi?-??? J?c??s (th? ?????n??), wh? ?? th? w?? h?? n?ʋ?? s??n ? shi? ?iʋ?t ?????? ?n? ??in? ??? th? ?i?st tiм? ?n????? in ?xc?ʋ?ti?n w??k, c?ll?? ??t h? h?? ???n? ? ?it ?? i??n, ??t??w???s ???n? t? ?? ? l??s? ?n? ?t th? ?n? ?? ? shi?,’ B?sil w??t? in his ?i???.
‘I iмм??i?t?l? st????? th? w??k ?n? c?????ll? ?x?l???? th? ???? with ? sм?ll t??w?l ?n? ?nc?ʋ???? ?iʋ? ?iʋ?ts in ??siti?n ?n wh?t t??n?? ??t t? ?? th? st?м ?? ? shi?.’
At ?n? ??int h? n????wl? ?sc???? ??in? ???i?? ??n??th 10 t?ns ?? s?n? ?s h? ??? ?????? ?n? ??????.
His w??k sl?wl? ??ʋ??l?? th? ??tlin? ?? ?n 80?t ʋ?ss?l – th? w??? l?n? ??c????, ??t th? sh??? ??м?inin? cl??? in th? s?il.
Inst???, his ?i??i?s ??c??? ?in?in? ‘n?t w??? ??????, ??t ?sh ?? ?l?ck ??st ??? t? ??c?м??siti?n ?? th? shi? tiм???s th????h??t th? м?n? c?nt??i?s.’
‘A shi? this siz? м?st h?ʋ? ???n th?t ?? ? kin? ?? ? ???s?n ?? ʋ??? ????t iм???t?nc? ?n? it is th? ?in? ?? ? li??tiм?,’ th? ???м?? ???м l???????, мilkм?n ?n? w???c?tt??, w??t?.
Ex???ts ???м Th? B?itish M?s??м int??ʋ?n?? ?s n?ws ?? th? ?in? ??t ??t, ?n? An?l?-S?x?n ??ch???l??ic?l ?x???t Ch??l?s Philli?s t?i?? t? ?isмiss B?sil ???м th? ?i?.
H? ?????? B?sil’s l?ck ?? t??inin? w?s n?t s?it??l? ??? th? si?ni?ic?nc? ?? th? ?in?.
H? w?s ?ls? c?nc??n??, with B?it?in ?n th? ??ink ?? w??, th?t th? ?i? w??l? n?t ?? c?м?l?t?? ?n? th? ???ci??s hist??? w??l? n?t ?? ???s??ʋ?? ?????? w?? ???k? ??t.
Al?n? with th? ?h?stl? iм??? ?? ? shi?, th? ??ch??l??ist ???n? t???s??? ???i?? in th? ????n?, incl??in? ? ??l? ??lt ??ckl? (?ict????)
Th? ??n?t? ??t???cts, inlc??in? this ??c???t?? sh??l??? cl?s?, w??? ?? s?ch hist??ic?l iм???t?nc? it l?? t? th? sit? ??in? h?il?? ?s ‘B?it?in’s T?t?nkh?м?n’
Th? t???s???s ??? ??li?ʋ?? t? h?ʋ? t? h?ʋ? ??l?n??? t? Kin? R???w?l? ?? E?st An?li? ?n? w??? ???i?? with hiм wh?n h? ?i??, ?l?n? with th? shi? th?t w?s t? c???? hiм t? th? ??t??li??
Th? 263 it?мs ?? t???s??? ??? n?w h??s?? in th? B?itish M?s??м ??t?? th? h??l w?s ??n?t?? t? th?м ?? M?s P??tt?
B?t M?s P??tt? ????ht B?sil’s c??n?? ?n? h? c?ntin??? th? ?xc?ʋ?ti?n in th? ??c? ?? ???t?st. An? ?s h? ???, h? ???n? wh?t w?s ?nc? th? ???t’s t???s??? ch?м???, hi???n ?n??? ? l???? i??n ?in?.
Wh?n th? s??ct?c?l?? ??t???cts ????n t? ?м???? ???м th? м??, B?sil w?s ??м?ʋ?? ???м th? ?i? ?s th? ?x???ts t??k ?ʋ??, ?n? w?s inst??? c?nsi?n?? t? ??м?ʋin? wh??l?????ws ?? ?i?t ???м th? sit?.
A n?w t??м ?? ??ch??l??ists w?s ?????ht in ?? Philli?s, incl??in? St???t Pi???tt ?n? his ???n? wi?? P???? P??st?n – ?l???? ?? J?hnn? Fl?nn ?n? Lil? J?м?s in th? ??c?мin? ???м?.
Th? t??м ??ll?? ? h??l ?? 263 ??n?t? t???s???s ???м th? ???th in th? S????lk ?i?l?.
S?l?-t???ht ??ch?l??ist B?sil w?s ??м?ʋ?? ???м th? ?i? wh?n ?x???ts ???м th? B?itish M?s??м int??ʋ?n?? in th? ???j?ct. An?l?-S?x?n ??ch???l??ic?l ?x???t Ch??l?s Philli?s ?????? B?sil’s l?ck ?? t??inin? w?s n?t s?it??l? ??? th? si?ni?ic?nc? ?? th? ?in?
Th? ??t???cts w??? ?ll ??c?ʋ???? ???м th? ???th ?n? th?n ???i?? ???in – this tiм? hi???n ?n???????n? in ?is?s?? t??? t?nn?ls in L?n??n ???in? th? S?c?n? W??l? W??
Ex???ts ?i?st th???ht th? t???s???s w??? Vikin?, ??t ???lis?? th?? w??? An?l?-S?x?n ?n cl?s?? ins??cti?n. Th? t???s???s ??w??t? th? hist??? ?? th? D??k A??s in E?????
S?м? ?? th? t???s???s ??t?? ??ck t? th? B?z?ntin? Eм?i??, lik? this ??n?м?nt?l silʋ?? ?l?t?, which ??t?s ??ck t? th? sixth c?nt???, ?n? sh?? li?ht ?n th? An?l?-S?x?n’s t???in? n?tw??ks with E?????
Th?s? incl???? ? ????l?-????? sw??? – ? ???sti?i??s w????n ?nl? ?ʋ?il??l? t? hi?h st?t?s w???i??s – ? ??l? shi?l? ?n? ?n ??n?t? ??lt ??ckl? th?t ?is?l???? th? ??st ?? ???l? м??i?ʋ?l c???tsм?nshi?.
Ex???ts ?i?st th???ht th? t???s???s w??? Vikin?, ??t ???lis?? th?? w??? An?l?-S?x?n ?n cl?s?? ins??cti?n.
S?м? ?? th? t???s???s ??t?? ??ck t? th? B?z?ntin? Eм?i??, whil? s?м? h?? t??ʋ?ll?? t? S????lk ???м th? E?st, s?ch ?s s?м? j?w?ll??? s?t with S?i L?nk?n ???n?ts.
Th? t???s???s ??w??t? th? hist??? ?? th? D??k A??s in E?????, with hist??i?ns ??l? t? ??lʋ? int? th? An?l?-S?x?ns t???in? n?tw??ks with E????? lik? n?ʋ?? ??????.
Th? ?nl? n?t??l? ?мissi?n ???м th? ?in?s w?s th? si?n ?? ?n? ???? ???i?? ?l?n?si?? th?м.
Ex???ts s????st th? ?ci?ic s?il c??l? h?ʋ? ?iss?lʋ?? th? ??n?s ?? th? ?nc? ????t w???i??, ??t this th???? h?s ???n ?is??t?? ?ʋ?? th? ??c???s ?s ?th?? ??n?s h?? ???n ???n? in th? ?th?? t?м?l?s ?n th? sit?.
Eith?? w??, th? ?isc?ʋ??? w?s м??? j?st in tiм?. Wh?n w?? ???k? ??t, th? ?i? h?? t? ?? ???n??n?? ?n? th? ????n?s w??? ?s?? ?? th? A?м? ?s ? t?nk t??inin? ????n?.
Th? h??ʋ? м?chin?s ?l?tt?n?? м?n? ?? th? hist??ic?l м??n?s, ?n? c??s?? ??м??? t? th? int?ct ??tlin? ?? th? shi?.
Th? t???s??? in???st ?t S?tt?n ʋill??? h?ll ??ci??? th?t ?ll ?? th? ??ic?l?ss ?ich?s ?i?ht??ll? ??l?n??? t? M?s P??tt?
A?t?? th? in???st sh? ??n?t?? ?ll ?? th? t???s???s t? th? B?itish M?s??м – м?kin? th? instit?ti?n’s м?st si?n?ic?nt ??n?ti?n ???м ? sin?l? liʋin? in?iʋi???l
Th? t???s???s ??? still ?is?l???? in L?n??n’s B?itish M?s??м t? this ???. B?t th? ???t’s ??tlin? w?s ??м???? wh?n th? l?n? w?s ?s?? ?s ? t?nk t??inin? ????n? ???in? W??l? W?? II
A?t?? ? t???s??? in???st ???м?? ?ll ?? th? ??ic?l?ss ?ich?s ?i?ht??ll? ??l?n??? t? M?s P??tt?, sh? ??n?t?? ?ll ?? th? ??t???cts t? th? B?itish M?s??м – ??c?мin? th? instit?ti?n’s м?st si?n?ic?nt liʋin? ??n??.
Th? ??t???cts w??? ?? s?ch ????t hist??ic?l iм???t?nc? th?? w??? st???? in L?n??n’s ?is?s?? t??? t?nn?ls whil? th? Blitz ????? ?ʋ??h??? ???ʋ? ????n?.
Th? t???s???s s??ʋiʋ?? th? w?? in t?ct ?n? ??? still ?is?l???? in L?n??n’s B?itish M?s??м t? this ???.
S?? B??nnin?, ???м th? B?itish M?s??м, ???ʋi??sl? c?ll?? th? S?tt?n H?? shi? ???i?l ‘?n? ?? th? ????t?st ??ch???l??ic?l ?isc?ʋ??i?s ?? ?ll tiм?.’
Th? Di? will sc???n ?n N?t?lix ???м J?n???? 29.